Learn AI. Lead the future.

Use AI responsibly to be more effective, efficient, and impactful in your work
Who we are
About YourAcademy.AI
Access from anywhere
Learn from experts
Acquire in-demand skills
Quality, you can trust
Our award-winning team of experts guide you step-by-step and answer questions.
Build a foundation
Think critically about AI
Apply your skills immediately on the job
Lead others
Get to know us
The Braintrust
combine their knowledge to help you build your AI skills.
Frequently asked questions
What can you offer that I cannot get at other online schools?
Do I need previous experience ?
There’s no need to have any prior knowledge for courses. We'll teach you from the ground up you’ll gain all the knowledge and skills you need to become an AI user.
Can we pick and choose the right courses for our organization's needs?
We offer a number of different learning paths that can be purchased off the shelf. However if you'd like to have programming customized to your organization's unique needs, we would be happy to discuss with you. Please send an email to ai@yourinstructionaldesigner.com for more information.
Can we have our people trained to deliver your programs?
Yes, we offer licensing and train the trainer opportunities for an additional fee. Please contact ai@yourinstructionaldesigner.com for more information.
Ready to get started?
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